Friday, June 13, 2008

Celebrate the Return of the St. Charles Streetcar

The Arts Council of New Orleans, RTA, and the Carrollton Area Network are creating a grand celebration for the return of the St. Charles Avenue Streetcar to its traditional route. On Saturday, June 28th at 10:00 am in Palmer Park, witness the ceremonies commemorating this historic event, then stay for a day of festivities to follow.

For the first time since Hurricane Katrina, patrons may board the St. Charles Streetcar and ride all the way to the Arts Market of New Orleans in Palmer Park. Find art to memorialize this milestone in our recovery. This monthly market presented by the Arts Council of New Orleans features creatively crafted items by some of the best artists in the region producing paintings, ceramics, jewelry, photography, and more. Adding to the festive outdoor gallery is live local music, creative crafts for kids, and foods to satisfy every craving.

The Porta-Puppet Players present Vatican Lokey in “Dr. Seuss on the Loose” at 10:30 am in the Kids Tent. Puppet making crafts after the show for the rest of the day.

Live performances in the Music Tent by Loose Marbles at 1:00 pm, followed by the Kaya Martinez Quartet at 2:30 pm. Saturday, June 28th, 10 am- 4 pm in Palmer Park (the corner of Claiborne and Carrollton Avenues). Free event. For more information about the Arts Market of New Orleans, please call 504.523.1465 or visit